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2022-03-05I Rocinante Cupdreamscreator - tzosceyWood Elf - Khorne0 - 3
2022-03-05I Rocinante CupLEGOLAS74 - dreamscreatorHalfling - Wood Elf3 - 2
2022-03-05I Rocinante Cupdreamscreator - ulcaudonWood Elf - Khorne1 - 2
2022-03-05I Rocinante Cupdreamscreator - DevilForceWood Elf - Black Orc3 - 0
2017-12-09The Elflympic Games II: The Common-Elf Gamesdreamscreator - LokiWood Elf - Elf Union1 - 4
2017-12-09The Elflympic Games II: The Common-Elf Gamesjofro - dreamscreatorSlann - Wood Elf2 - 3
2017-12-09The Elflympic Games II: The Common-Elf Gamesdreamscreator - lazertrip91Wood Elf - Orc3 - 2
2017-12-09The Elflympic Games II: The Common-Elf Gamesdreamscreator - HeartsbaneWood Elf - Elf Union3 - 4